Evening of Excellence
Miami State School’s annual Awards evening (Evening of Excellence) recognises students who have achieved pleasing results throughout the year either Academically, Culturally or on the Sporting field. The ceremony is held in the last week of the year and is a formal occasion. Perpetual awards are also presented to individual students who have excelled in their specific area of interest or study. The School Captains for the following year are also introduced to the wider school community.
Below you will find examples of the awards presented:
English Excellence Award
Maths Excellence Award
Science Excellence Award
Citizenship Award
Principal’s Award
LOTE Award
Arts Excellence Award
Excellence in Choir / Excellence in Dance / Excellence in Bands / Excellence in Strings
Friends of Music Instrumental Scholarship
Excellence in Sport Award
Sportsperson of the Year
Chaplain’s Values Award
Indigenous Award
Community Achievement Award
Writing Award
Stem Award
Strive Award
Personal Growth Award
Academic Excellence Award