Excursions and camps are designed to support the emotional, social and academic learning for students. Every effort is made to minimise the financial burden on families. Students are expected to attend all excursions/camps where possible and demonstrate a commitment to the school values and applicable rules. It is understood that some students (and parents) may experience some separation anxiety, this is taken into account when designing a camp.
Miami is committed to providing safe and supportive learning environments for its student, staff and volunteers. This commitment includes the health and safety of staff and students when conducting curriculum activities at school or other locations.
School excursions enhance students ' learning by providing the opportunities for students to participate in curriculum-related activities outside the normal school routine. School excursions are well-planned curriculum-related activities that aim to maximize students' learning experiences. All planned school excursions must be approved by the school.
To ensure the health and safety of students and staff, schools are required to proactively manage all aspects of a variation to school routine. The school's duty of care to students extends to school excursions and camps, which are integral to students' educational programs. Activities conducted away from schools may increase risks and therefore the standard of care required must reflect the increase in identified risks.
Schools must be able to demonstrate that activities have been thoroughly planned to ensure that students, staff and others will be safe whilst undertaking the activity. Any potential risks must have been identified and managed and there must be a planned response in case of an emergency.
The principal:
Approve all school excursions ensuring appropriate organisation and curriculum relevance taking into consideration:
the resources of the school
the needs of the students
the costs involved (reviewed annually)
the impact on the total learning program
transport, accommodation, meal and first aid/emergency arrangements
arrangements for students not participating
educational aims and planned follow-up activities
arrangements for students not participating.
Consult with the school's Parents and Citizens' Association at beginning of school year regarding forward planning of school excursions to gain association's views about proposed excursions.
Inform the Parents and Citizens' Association if further excursions are proposed.
Where the Parents and Citizens' Association meet costs incurred through a school excursion in part or full, ensure this arrangement is approved by the association at a duly constituted meeting.
Ensure that when students are being transported in private vehicles these safeguards are implemented:
written consent of parent/caregiver for their child to travel in a privately owned vehicle is received and stored;
that if a number of privately owned vehicles are involved, a convoy is formed wherever possible.
Regularly review and update school excursion procedures ensuring they are documented and communicated to relevant staff.
Information presented in a parental letter is the basis of the parental decision to give permission for the student to attend an excursion and provides accurate details to enable parents/caregivers to make this decision. Letters can include tear-off permission slips to be signed by parents and returned to the school.
If payment is not received by the due date, the student is unable to attend. Every effort will be made to ensure that the cost is not prohibitive, having regard to the socio/economic background of the majority of the students.
Notification of the camp proposal and anticipated costs will be given to parents as early as possible.
Arrangements may be made to make instalment payments but payment must be finalised before the camp.