To confirm any absence please contact the school with the following information:
- Student's name
- Class
- Reason for absence
- Expected duration of absence
Please provide this information by text, email or phone
TEXT Student Absence Line: 0427 904 333
PHONE: 5595 4888
If your child is absent from school on any given day and we are unaware of the reason for the absence, an SMS will be generated. If you can please respond to this message with a reason for absence.
If you anticipate an absence of one week or more, you need to seek the principal's approval by informing the office directly via email. If your child is absent for more than three days, due to illness, a medical certificate is required.
Every Day Counts
Every student in our school is important to us and we are committed to providing personalised education suited to their needs. The very first step in that is maximising learning time and we believe that if students attend every day and every learning minute of the day we are improving their opportunities for academic success.
All students are expected to be at school by 8.50am. If they arrive earlier than 8.50am they must go to the designated year level area until they are collected by their class teacher. It is an expectation that all students are in class and are starting instruction by 8.55am.
Students arriving after 9am will need to go through the office. If students are late they must sign in through the office by a parent and collect a late slip.