Evidence suggests that parents/carers involvement at their child's school produces positive educational outcomes. We encourage all parents/carers to take an active part in their children's education. We completely understand that your time to commit to volunteering may be limited. There are a variety of opportunities to contribute as much (or as little) as you would like.
Parents / Volunteers can help by:
Assisting at the canteen
Helping in your child's classroom
Attending Parents and Citizens Association meetings
Helping at P&C / School events
Attending concerts, assemblies, excursions and celebrations
Opportunities in classrooms, tuckshop and for special occasions will be advertised on the school FaceBook page, SeeSaw messages and newsletters.
Volunteers and Visitors Induction Training
Education Queensland policy requires all volunteers to complete annual mandatory training. This covers Code of Conduct, Student Protection and Workplace Health & Safety.
Below are the links to the documents which must be read before you volunteer at Miami State School.
Volunteer WHS PD Presentation.pptx
The Procedure to complete the Mandatory training is:
- Read the Workplace Health and Safety PowerPoint attached in the above link.
- Read the Key Messages Guide.
Once you have read and understood the information, complete the declaration on the final page of the Key Messages Guide. You will need to type/write your name, date and sign in both boxes (top and bottom of the page).
- Email the declaration to office@miamiss.eq.edu.au or drop it into the school office. Spare copies of the declaration page can be obtained from the office.
- Volunteers who are not parents/carers of students at the school will be required to hold a current blue card. This, along with your date of birth, must also be submitted with the declaration to enable you to commence volunteering.
- The school will complete the declaration page. When this has been done the school will confirm that you can commence volunteering by providing you with a copy of your completed Declaration either in person at the office or via email.
- All volunteers must sign-in and out at the office each time they volunteer at the school site.