Parental involvement
Your participation is vital for a positive, collaborative approach to the education of your child, for providing enhanced opportunities for learning, and improved educational outcomes for all students. We have a wonderful record of parent involvement in many areas and we are grateful for this assistance. We encourage you to keep informed and become involved in your child’s education.
Each year level provides a term overview each term, which provides parents with a summary of curriculum and the school calendar of upcoming events and activities. Parents are able to arrange meetings with class teachers at any time during the term by contacting the school office or the classroom teacher directly. Formal interviews are offered at the end of Term 1 and the beginning of Term 3.
Student progress reports are issued at the end of Terms 2 and 4.
For day to day communication with teachers, please contact your child’s teacher directly or for more urgent matters contact the school office on 5595 4888 or
Meet the Teacher
Meet the teacher evenings are held early in Term 1 where parents are invited to meet their child's teacher and learn how the class operates, including classroom expectations, homework, routines and procedures. Parents are invited to parent-teacher interviews in Terms 1 and 3 to discuss student learning growth and next steps for improvement.
Celebration of Learning
Occur at the end of each term. This is an opportunity for students to showcase their learning from the term and highlight work they are most proud of, work that challenged them and celebrate their achievements for the term. These sessions are held in the classroom.
School Communication Methods
The following table outlines the communication tools we use between our community members.
| - For urgent matters, student absences, enrolments, changes to contact details, and to arrange time to meet with teachers or the School Leadership Team please contact the office by telephone: Phone: 07 5595 4888
- Please note that office hours are Monday to Friday – 8:00am to 3:30pm
| - All families are requested to provide their email details on enrolment. Updates can be made by completing a ‘Change of Details form’.
- To address our carbon footprint, Report Cards are distributed via email.
- Staff have Department of Education email addresses and access their emails daily during school days (unless absent or on leave).
- Teachers will respond to parent/carer emails within three (3) school days (72 hours), during the school week.
- The administration email address is:
- Administration Officers and the Leadership Team will access their emails at various times throughout the day and will respond to parents and carers within three (3) school days (72 hours), during the school week.
- For urgent matters please telephone the school 07 5595 4888 rather than emailing.
- Please do not use email to pass on messages about going home arrangements as staff may not always be able to access emails during the school day.
- Invoices related to school excursions and activities are distributed via email.
 Text Messaging Service
| - MSS utilises an automated text message service to notify parents and carers of unexplained student absences.
- These messages are sent by 10am to any parent or carer who have not contacted the school regarding their child’s absence via telephone, or other means.
- Parents and carers can respond to the issued automated text message service to explain their child’s absence.
- Text messages are sent to one parent/carer per student, unless other arrangements are in place.
 MSS Website
| - Contains access to information about the school including important policy and school reporting documentation.
- Contains relevant contact information and links to other resources and communication tools.
- Contains a digital calendar with the most current upcoming events and should be checked on a regular basis, in case of date changes to events.
 MSS Facebook Page
| - The MSS Facebook page is used to provide updates on events and activities for the school.
- The MSS Facebook Page is a public page. Please adhere to the Queensland Department of Education Acceptable Use Guidelines and the Social Media Guidelines when contributing or commenting on the Facebook page.
- The Facebook page is an excellent place to check for any last minute updates, such as; changes to sporting events due to inclement weather.
 SeeSaw App
| - Parents and carers can communicate with teachers via the Seesaw App.
- Students will be able to develop digital learning portfolios and provide feedback via the Seesaw App
- MSS may utilise the text message service to contact parents and carers in regard to other urgent matters, such as: school closure due to extreme weather events.
- MSS may utilise the text message to inform parents and carers of practice of compulsory school drills such as lockdown and fire drills.
 Face to Face Communication
| - Appointments with teachers and school leaders can be made via email or through the office. Teachers will provide contact email information at the beginning of the year, through class and/or electronic newsletters (one per term) and information evenings.
- If you wish to discuss your students’ needs with the class teacher, it is important to remember that teachers are busy with the students in their classes from 8:50am to 3:00pm, therefore meeting times will need to be outside these hours.
- Communication between parents and carers and staff is always welcomed and encouraged.
 Class and/or Year Level Electronic Newsletter
| - Parents and carers will receive one class or year level electronic newsletter per term.
- The newsletter will update families on what students are learning and news from the term.
 Report Cards
| - Semester Report cards are distributed (via email) twice per year – at the end of Terms Two and Four.
 Parent & Teacher
| - Parent and teacher interviews take place in Term One and Term Three to discuss students’ progress, concerns, goals and any other issues.
- Bookings for these interviews are made online via SOBS.